


‘Movement begins and ends in posture’

R.H.S Carpenter, Neurophysiology


Awaken and Challenge Your Core

Balance, Strength and Flexibility

Enhance Posture and Movement


An online library featuring warm ups, barre, pilates, equipment based videos, stretching / cool down  and more.

Live classes where you can enhance and strengthen your skills by getting feedback in real time on exercises and have a more personal experience.

An optional newsletter to give you the latest OBP updates, informative tips and discount codes.

Juliette’s Philosophy

‘Whether writing at our desk, gardening, running a marathon or performing as an artist – we feel better when we move well.

Learning to find and engage your core muscles to support your body and enhance its movement is life changing.’

 OBP ON demand

 LIve classes

I have been asked for years to create an online video library and I am excited to finally be able to offer this to a wider range of clients. OBP on demand is our online video library. Including warmups, stretching, barre, workouts, full classes, equipment based videos and morning.

You can use filters to vary the length and difficulty, so there is something for everyone and its perfect if you want to fit some quick movement into a busy day.

Live classes allow you to be guided in real time by a senior pilates instructor and physio therapist and participate in the class with others.

My live classes are special to me. A number of my clients have been going them for many years, some over 20! However new people join frequently and as a result we have built up a really great community.


Take a look at what OBP clients have to say : 

“Juliette’s knowledge of anatomy is so reassuring you know you are in safe hands”

“I love how you can do the exercises at your own level of difficulty “

“Barre classes have made me fitter, stronger and more flexible! They’re  exhilarating!”

“OBP On Demand gets your body moving even on busy days, so easy & convenient!”